What Is a Government-Wide Acquisition Contract?

A government-wide acquisition contract (GWAC) is a contract in which multiple government agencies align their needs and purchase a contract for goods or services. Government-wide acquisition contracts allow for economies of scale, which usually reduce per unit costs. These contracts are typically used to purchase new technology, such as computers. With a GWAC, the federal government can get innovative solutions for information technology systems at an improved cost to taxpayers footing the bill.

A government-wide acquisition contract consolidates purchases as opposed to having each agency enter into an individual contract. This type of contract may be spearheaded by one particular agency with the expectation that more agencies will follow suit.

Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) Explained

The rise of government-wide acquisition contracts has allowed government agencies to take advantage of their size to negotiate lower prices. Their use has also created an environment in which a single vendor will provide product and service support to more personnel. By having one agency evaluate a vendor for multiple agencies' needs, the federal government can reduce the likelihood that other agencies will have to "reinvent the wheel" by undertaking their own, separate vetting process.

Real World Example

The VETS 2 GWAC is uniquely set-aside for the exclusive use of Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB). VETS 2 is designed to provide a series of information technology systems for the federal government, including new and emerging technologies.