DEFINITION of Enduring Purpose

An enduring purpose is a public statement regarding a company's core principles, defining values, as well as its short- and long-term goals. An enduring purpose is similar in many ways to a mission statement and serves to provide a guide as to the company's past and present direction. An enduring purpose can encompass both financial and non-financial goals.

A statement of enduring purpose may also contain an organization's "value statement" differs as well as its vision statement that spells out what a country strives for and what goals it seeks to pursue in the future. Thus, the enduring purpose may consist of the organization's mission, stated values, and its vision for the future.

BREAKING DOWN Enduring Purpose

A company's enduring purpose defines the business and attempts to describe its vision and core values. It is considered the guiding principle that all employees are supposed to follow. An enduring purpose can be very important to those wishing to invest in companies that are in sync with their own values. For example, the green movement has even spawned its own index. For example, recently, Standard & Poor's introduced a new "carbon-efficient index," featuring leading companies in emerging markets that are ecologically conscious and state so as part of their enduring purpose.

Statements of enduring purpose are sometimes used to encompass an organization's mission statement, statement of values, and vision statement all in the same document (often included on an organization's web site).

Example of Enduring Purpose

The following is an example of an organization's enduring purpose, taken from the website for the Lutheran Concordia University in Ann Arbor, Michigan:

"Our Purpose
Concordia University’s Core Values and Mission Statement express the university’s enduring purpose and identity; its very reason for existence as a place of Lutheran higher education. A shared fidelity to this central purpose guides Concordia’s academic schools, programs, and initiatives.

Concordia University Ann Arbor is a Lutheran higher education community committed to helping students develop in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the world.

Bound by the Biblical and Confessional teachings of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the members of the Board of Regents and the Concordia University Foundation Board, the President, and employees of the university shall act in a manner consistent with the core values listed below.

Christ-centered: Concordians have faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
Truth & Integrity: Concordians speak truth and display integrity in all our relationships.
Excellence: Concordians expect excellence in all our endeavors to support the university’s mission.
Service: Concordians serve others in caring, helpful, respectful, and knowledgeable ways.
The faculty, leadership, staff, students, and alumni carry out Concordia’s mission each and every day as they pursue a vibrant path to the future.

The vision of Concordia is to be well-known nationally and internationally as a premier Lutheran, Christian university, widely recognized for meaningful integration of faith and learning. Alumni will assume significant servant leadership responsibilities in the Church and communities across the nation and throughout the world."