• 14+ years experience writing for print and digital publications
  • 11+ years experience writing, editing and managing content for publications focusing on personal finance, legal, lifestyle, business and other topics
  • Currently writing and editing finance, credit cards and travel content


Christina Majaski has written and edited for a number of popular personal finance publications, including as BradsDeals.com, WiseBread.com, MyBankTracker.com and DealNews.com. Her work has appeared on MSN.com, CBS.com and many others. Over the last 11+ years, she has become an expert on credit cards and other financial products, as well as understanding credit, saving money and her personal favorite, getting the best deal for your money.


Christina received her bachelor's degree in business from Rasmussen College.

Quote from Christina Majaski

"I enjoy the challenge of turning topics that are typically boring and complex into interesting and genuinely helpful tools that help improve everyone's financial lives."