• Honored by the New England Press Association and New Hampshire Press Association for excellence in spot news, business and economic reporting
  • Proprietor of ContentOven.com and bassist for ClaimingNeptune.com
  • 5+ years of professional experience as a content strategist and editor


Adam Barone has an award-winning background in newspaper journalism with a thriving independent copywriting and content/brand strategy consultancy. Having worked with a host of financial clients and reported on a wide array of business and economic issues, Adam brings a breadth of financial knowledge to his contributions on the Investopedia.com editorial team. He also contributed to a New England home and garden magazine entitled “Accent on Home and Garden.”


Adam received his bachelor's degree in journalism from Anderson University.

Quote from Adam Barone

"It can get complicated, but I enjoy elevating the key points of a financial topic that lead to complete understanding of a financial concept and its real-life context."