• • Founder of SPYderCRusher Research
  • • Investopedia Academy Instructor and contributor for Excel and Algorithmic Trading
  • • Holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation 


Daniel Jassy, CFA, worked on idea generation, due diligence and modeling as a portfolio manager for a long-only equity fund. Daniel was awarded the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation in August of 2016 after passing levels I, II and III of the CFA® exam. He has expertise researching, developing, and modeling financial market data using quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Daniel founded a financial research firm, SPYderCRusher Research, to advise clients on US capital market expectations. He developed quantitative breadth models that highlight changes in the US stock market which lowered portfolio volatility for clients. Daniel also currently designs and develops trading-analysis software, which provides an edge to portfolio managers by lowering execution costs.


Danny earned his BS in Accounting from the Charles W. Lamden School of Accountancy at San Diego State University

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