• • 15+ years of researching and trading options
  • • Writing appears on several options trading websites
  • • Shares his expertise and offers education in options trading strategies, hedging, futures, and trading market volatility


Chris is an expert in options trading and volatility research with more than 15 years of expertise. His focus is on trading strategy development as a performance coach at iVol Trading, an educational and options trading business he founded in 2003. McKann uses NeuroCrux to help traders determine the optimal trading systems, time-frames, and strategies which best suit their requirements.

Chris's writing has appeared on several financial websites including the iVol Trading blog, Seeking Alpha, and Investopedia. Yahoo Finance, the MoneyShow.com, VIXandmore.com, and other sites will repost his writing. His work targets options trading strategies, market volatility (VIX), and options and futures contracts.

Chris shares his options trading experience by training others. His iVol website offers several introductory videos on hedging, trading the VIX, futures, and options. He was a host of webinars for OptionMONSTER Holdings Inc. where he taught various trading strategies.
He is the director and founder of two business. The first is iVol Trading, which he began in 2003 and the second is SledRX which he started in 2012.


Chris studied belief at Harvard University and attended the University of North Carolina at Asheville.

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