• Founder of All Star Charts and is one of the most widely followed Technical Analysts in the world. All Star Charts is a research platform for both professional and retail investors covering US and International stocks, interest rates, commodities and forex markets.
  • Earned his Chartered Market Technician designation (CMT in 2008.
  • Frequent speaker at top investing conferences and Universities


 JC Parets specializes in finding the most opportunistic risk vs reward propositions while at the same time bringing a top/down approach to the marketplace whose wide spectrum is rivaled by few. JC begins with a long-term global macro perspective and then works his way down to the individual sector and industry level before ultimately isolated the stocks that best portray a particular thesis. Price is the most important technical indicator, but JC uses supplements such as Momentum, Relative Strength and Fibonacci analysis to complete the process.

In 2008, JC earned his Chartered Market Technician designation (CMT). His work has been featured regularly on Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox Business, ABC, CNN, Wall Street Journal and many other financial media outlets around the world. You will often see JC as a speaker at some of the top investing conferences and has also been invited to speak at Harvard, Duke, NYU, University of Chicago and Hong Kong Baptist University among other institutions about Technical Analysis and Behavioral Finance.


JC received his bachelor's degree from Fairfield University. He also earned the CMT designation as well as being named one of the top finance people to follow on Twitter by Business Insider.

Quote from JC Parets, CMT

"I am very lucky to have spent a long time in New York City where I was able to get to know and learn from most of the top technical analysts in the world. Now that I am in a position to benefit from that good fortune, it is an honor to be able to give back and help the next generation of investors."