• • Certified Financial Planner with over 10 years of experience helping financial advisors, investment brokers and insurance agents grow their business online.
  • • Owner of Well Said Content helping professionals communicate better with clients through customized digital solutions.
  • • Digital marketing expert specializing in email marketing, social media activity along with personalized websites and blogs.



Tahnya Parachuk has over 15 years of experience in the financial services and investment industries and she became a licensed Certified Financial Planner in 2005. After the market crash, Tahnya took her financial expertise out of sales and into the marketing world where she helped companies such as LearnVest and H&R Block create content for their clients. Over the years, her digital expertise has expanded and today she helps financial advisors communicate with clients online through email newsletters, websites, blogs and social media.


Tahnya received her Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Concordia University.

Quote from Tahnya

"Everyone is more powerful when they understand money."

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