• • 30+ years of experience in the financial services industry
  • • Founder of RT Best Consulting
  • • Industry thought leader and writer for multiple publications


Richard has over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry. His tenure includes work as an adviser, management director, and director of training and marketing at John Hancock, Signature Resources and ADVISYS, Inc.In 2009 Richard founded RT Best Consulting. His firm seeks to help financial service firms to more efficiently optimize their marketing, sales, training and management functions. 

As an industry thought leader Richard has also written extensively on a broad range of financial topics. He is a featured personal finance columnist on the websites of more than 50 regional banks and is the exclusive content provider for a leading developer of financial adviser websites. Richard’s writing covers personal banking, investing, retirement, wealth management, public companies and more.


Richard has a Bachelor of Arts in public administration from the University of California, Davis.

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