• • 11+ years of experience working in the financial industry
  • • Began writing financial articles for Investopedia in 2015
  • • Working towards receiving a master's degree in finance from Harvard University


Sarrah has more than 11 years of experience working in the financial industry. Beginning in 2007, she was an assistant budget analyst with Parker Hannifin, a firm which engineers motion and control devices for the aerospace and other industries. Sarrah then worked with the Children’s Hospital–Los Angeles (CHLA)as a financial analyst, a program manager, and finally as an associate director of operations. After more than six years with CHLA, she became a senior management consultant with Freed Associates, a healthcare consulting and management firm.

Sarrah began writing for Investopedia in 2015. Her work includes articles about the Consumer Price Index (CPI), analyzing oil storage capabilities, analyzing stocks of various companies, looking at the impact of interest rates on the real estate market, and cost of underwriting commercial loans.


Sarrah earned her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Political Economic Theory, and Business Economics at the University of California, Berkeley.

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