• • 10+ years as a freelance writer specializing in travel, credit cards and personal finance
  • • Worked for over five years at American Truck Business Services (ATBS), specializing in growing net income for owner-operator and company truck drivers
  • • Runs the OneSmartDollar.com and CardJournalist.com websites


Sean Bryant is a Denver based freelance writer specializing in travel, credit cards and personal finance. With more than 10 years of writing experience his work has appeared in many of the industries’ top publications.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics. He also runs OneSmartDollar.com and CardJournalist.com. Sean spent several years working for American Truck Business Services (ATBS), specializing in increasing the net income for owner-operator and company truck drivers, and he contributed to helping over 100,000 drivers facilitate their back-office administration tasks.


Sean received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business.

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