• • Product manager at DSP Blackrock Product Mutual Fund
  • • Former investment banking analyst at Bank of America Continuum
  • • Expert analyst in energy and power sectors


Kushal is currently a manager in the product management group of DSP Blackrock Mutual Fund in Mumbai, India. He’s formerly an analyst at Bank of America Continuum India, where he supported the global investment banking business by covering the energy and power sector in the Asia-Pacific region and Americas. He also has expertise in developing pitch books, company memoranda, company and industry research and analysis, valuation and benchmarking. He loves writing about finance and investments and hopes to someday set up a finance advisory or portfolio management firm.


Kushal has a post-graduate diploma and Master’s degree in business and management from Management Development Institute, Gurgaon and ESCP Europe. He holds an undergraduate degree in computer science and engineering from the University of Pune.

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