• • 12+ years of experience as an instructional media analyst and designer
  • • 4+ years of experience as a business intelligence analyst
  • •  Freelance writer covering topics in finance and business


Billy Cheung is a senior business intelligence analyst at Investopedia, where he has worked for over four years.  He began his career as a user interface design contractor with KPMG.  For 12+ years, he was an instructional media analyst and designer for Athabasca University, designing and developing interactive online learning objects.  Over the years, he leveraged his tech background into roles as a project manager and business system analyst for several institutions.  As a freelance writer, Billy has written content rooted in finance, business, and international markets and economies.


Billy earned a Bachelor of Commerce with distinction in Management Information Systems and a minor in Management Studies from the University of Alberta; from Simon Fraser University, he received a Master of Science in Data and Information Visualization. In addition to his academic achievements, Billy is Google Analytics certified.

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