• • Freelance writer specializing in business, marketing, finance, law, science, aviation, sports, travel, and political analysis
  • • Graduating from the United States Air Force Academy, he spent six years on active duty in the project management field as a USAF procurement officer
  • • Licensed to practice law in California and New Hampshire


Geoffrey Michael (www.geoffreymichael.pro) is a freelance writer specializing in business, marketing, finance, law, science, aviation, sports, travel, and political analysis. He graduated from the United States Air Force Academy and is licensed to practice law in California and New Hampshire. After graduating from the United States Air Force Academy, he spent six years on active duty in the project management field as a USAF procurement officer. He was involved in the development and management of advanced aviation systems and space communications programs. After leaving the military, he joined the private aerospace industry as a business, contracts, and program manager for highly classified defense satellite programs. 


Geoffrey graduated from the United States Air Force Academy.

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