• • 12+ years of experience as an independent and personal financial and investment consultant
  • • Contributor to financial literacy and advising websites
  • • Founder of two businesses


Mark has more than 12 years of experience as an independent and personal financial and investment consultant. He is a registered investment advisor and the founder and president of New Horizons Financial Management, LLC. New Horizions is an independent investment advisory and personal financial consultanting firm. Mark was also the founder of the, now closed, website BuyLikeBuffet.com where he offered market commentary and financial education articles.

Mark became a contributor to Investopedia in 2010. His articles focus on providing information to readers about careers, mortgages, taxes, real estate, entrepreneurship, and the economy. He is the author of Your Financial Playbook (Amazon, 2010) a guide written to inform the beginning investor about the basics of the market. His work appears as reposts and in syndication in sites such as TheGlobeAndMail.com, Forbes, and Yahoo.

Mark received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Wesley Theological Seminary in 2018, and now splits his time between his church obligations and his duties at New Horizons Financial Management, LLC.


Mark received his Bachelor of Science in Finance from Oral Roberts University; his Master of Arts in Theology from St. Mary's Seminary; and his Master of Business Administration in Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Security Law from the University of Wisconsin. He earned his Doctor of Ministry at Wesley Theological Seminary.

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