• • 20 + years experience reporting and writing about business, finance, and economics.
  • • Regular contributor to Forbes Investopedia, AOL, American Bar Association Journal, Arthur Anderson (now defunct) The Chicago Tribune and many other national publications, both print and online.
  • • Please visit my website, www.marcdavis.net for a comprehensive look at my publishing credentials, with a selection of links to articles.


Extensive experience reporting on, and writing about all aspects of business, finance, and economics, including equities and real estate investment, mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings (IPOs), product research and development, product roll out, marketing, advertising, public relations, crisis management, corporate management, corporate governance,, human resources issues -- recruiting, termination, and many other aspects of business, finance and economics.


Marc has received degrees from University of Illinois and New York University.

Quote from Marc

"Nothing is more satisfying to me than service to others. Drawing on my knowledge and experience and imparting that information in understandable articles to people is the most gratifying aspect of financial journalism."

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