• • 14+ years of experience trading currencies on the foreign exchange
  • • Shares his knowledge as an adjunct professor at the Godbold School of Business of Gardner-Webb University
  • • Publications include blogs, journal articles, and two books on the currency markets and trading


Brian has more than 14 years of experience as an independent foreign exchange currency trader. He trades through his firm, Brian's Investments out of Rock Hill, South Carolina. His firm trades currency pairs, stock indices, and other securities.

Brian shares his expertise through his writing. He contributes to several websites including Investopedia, The Globe and Mail, Yahoo Finance, Orbpress, Forexins, and FX Street. His work appears in journals and newsletters such as Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology, American Mathematical Society, and Euribor. He self published two books which explore currency markets and trading. The first book is Inside the Currency Market: Mechanics, Valuation. His second work is Strategies; and Using the Z Score to Trade Foreign Exchange and Other Financial Instruments: The Step by Step.

As an adjunct professor of politics at Gardner-Webb University, Brian continues to inspire young traders. Excerpts of his writing appear in several educational courses offered by the University of Phoenix, Kenyatta University, Southern New Hampshire University, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Brian received his bachelor's degree in journalism, and earned his master's degree political science and public administration at the University of Central Florida.

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