• 20+ years of experience in information technology
  • Specializes in data analysis, financial valuation systems and business intelligence solutions
  • Writing includes financial articles and training manuals


Paul Kosakowski first developed an interest in investing in 1998. As he learned about the markets and investing, he began to see a relationship between the performance of the markets and human behavior patterns. Paul applies his data analysis skills as he views the market using both fundamental and technical indicators.

Paul began writing for Investopedia in 2016. He uses his analysis in his financial writing as he explains complex topics in an easy to read style. His work appears in syndication on Yahoo Finance, is referenced in dissertations and other scholarly research, and is referenced in the book, Leveraging Your Financial Intelligence (Wiley 2017).

More than 20 years of background in information technology systems and data best practices support Paul's investing prowess. His experience includes business system analysis and consulting at Mutual of Omaha, CIGNA, Virtusa, and Mass Mutual Financial Group. As an analyst, Paul has worked with databases, data programming, financial product valuation system development, business intelligence systems, electronic funds transfer processing (EFT), disaster recovery monitoring, and data mapping and traceability solutions.


Paul earned his Bachelor of Science degree in physics and computer science from Southern Connecticut State University. Paul is also a member of the Market Technicians Association (MTA) the Professional Risk Managers International Association (PRM).