• • Pen name of a contributor to Investopedia
  • • Investopedia writer since 2017
  • • Topics include investing strategies and fraud


Lenny is the pen name of a contributor to Investopedia. He has written for Investopedia since 2017. His topics include investing strategies and fraud.

In his article, 5 ATM Scams That Can Break the Bank, Lenny explores the criminal compromise of automated tellers machines (ATMs). Some of his insight include information about the installation of bogus card readers, how they can be spied on with hidden cameras, and a look at penetrating the ATM via a remote WiFi connection. His cautionary article appears as reposts on several banking websites and in business newsletters.

Lenny also looks at different investing strategies in his articles. He profiles major Wall Street figure Carl Icahn as he looks at the background of his investing strategy. Lenny delves into the investment practices of Warren Buffett, providing examples of some of his success stories. He highlights Buffett’s approach to investing in companies as long-term value investments, rather than investing in fads which may prove temporary.

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