• • 10 years experience in the financial markets as an interest rates risk manager
  • • Holds both a CFA charter and an FRM certification
  • • Managed a charitable equity fund for the University of Alberta


Chris Gallant, CFA, FRM is a senior manager of interest rate risks, with ten years of experience in the financial markets. Based out of Alberta, Canada, Chris currently works for ATB Financial where he has worked in corporate business planning, financial modeling, and risk management. Chris was formerly a staff analyst and commentator for five years out of Investopedia's Edmonton office. Prior to joining Investopedia, Chris spent time working with the Alberta Ministry of Finance, taught Business classes at the undergraduate level and helped manage a charitable equity fund for the University of Alberta.Chris holds both a chartered financial analyst (CFA) charter as well as a financial risk manager (FRM) certification.


Chris earned a Bachelor's degree in commerce from the University of Alberta (Canada).

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