• • 15+ years experience in many facets of financial services
  • • Held key roles at top-tier investment banks
  • • Earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation


Timothy Keefe, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), has enjoyed a stellar career in financial services. In his 15 years in the industry, Tim’s experience has spanned numerous aspects of finance. He began his career on the trading desk at a number of widely respected national broker/dealers. Tim first embraced equities then moved from trading stock to trading fixed-income securities. There, he developed a deep knowledge of many fixed-income products including high-yield and corporate bonds; and emerging markets and distressed credit securities. Later, Tim served at a well-known asset management firm, where he focused specifically on advising the company’s high-net-worth clients, as well as managing their individualized portfolios.

Throughout his career, Tim has been keenly interested in investment research, on both the debt and equity sides. In addition to authoring many of his own in-depth company, industry, and sector reports, Tim has served as research director for both qualitative and quantitative research departments at a number of high-profile investment banking institutions.

In his present capacity as a consultant, Tim has established an earnings-quality information service specifically for the individual investor. Tim also enjoys writing articles — both for public media as well as scholarly journals — on topics such as analyzing earnings quality, understanding accounting standards, and calculating accruals for proper comparisons.


Tim earned both a Master's and Bachelor's degree in finance from the University of Illinois, Urbana.

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