• 15+ years experience in stocks, options, Forex, bonds and portfolio analysis
  • Co-founder of Learning Markets, LLC, a leading creator of financial content, analysis, education and tools
  • Author of four books on investing and portfolio strategies published by McGraw Hill


John Jagerson has worked in the capital markets and private equity for most of his career—including investing, writing, education and money management. He holds the Charted Financial Analyst (CFA) and a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designations.John is the coauthor of three books published by McGraw Hill on investing and portfolio management. As a co-founder of Learning Markets, LLC, John has developed financial education used by thousands of brokerage clients to become better investors. His firm also develops professional-grade stock screening and analytical tools for individual investors.


John earned his bachelor's degree in accounting and business management at Utah Valley University. He also completed the PLD at Harvard Business School.

Quote from John A. Jagerson

"Individual investors have goals and objectives beyond wealth accumulation. Investing is only one tool they use to achieve truly great things in their life. I am passionate about helping investors because their success means more than just a larger account balance."