• • 20+ years of experience in the finance and investing industry
  • • 11+ years as a director of research and as a portfolio manager and 7+ years as an investment strategist
  • • Contributor to several online finance industry publications


Richard has over 20 years of experience in the investing, banking, and finance industry. For more than seven years, Richard has held the position of the Vice President and Chief Investment Strategist at Washington Trust Bank–Wealth Management and Advisory Services. Here he focuses on establishing asset allocation strategies and asset mixes to optimize risk-adjusted returns. He also manages a team of portfolio managers, analysts, and a trader.

Richard's strategies help reduce portfolio standard deviation by 20 percent while increasing returns 30 percent, relative to the benchmark. He developed a dynamic hedging strategy which enhances risk management. Another project involved the creation of high dividend/low beta, large-cap equity strategies designed to exploit market anomalies.

During his more than eight years with Heritage Capital Management Inc., Richard was the portfolio manager and director of research. As the investment arm of the Wainwright Bank & Trust Company, he spearheaded research as he managed equity and fixed income portfolios. He worked to develop an open architecture approach to investing and provide portfolio diversification while managing risk and returns through the modern portfolio theory (MPT).
Richard is a contributor to Forbes, the Journal of Business online, Journal of Financing and Accounting, and Investopedia where he writes about investing in bonds and mortgage-backed securities (MBS), and the economy. He is the author of the fiction novel, "Caveat Emptor" (2003).

Richard volunteers his financial wisdom to help local charities on their finance committees. He is a CFA Institute member and affiliated with the Boston Security Analysts Society.


Richard earned his Master of Business Administration at Boston University Questrom School of Business.

Professional Designations

Richard is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

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