• • 15+ years experience as a journalist, managing editor, and researcher covering business, technology and lifestyle.
  • • Former Managing Editor at Fortune 100 company whose byline has appeared on Fox News, Forbes, HuffPost, TheStreet.com and other outlets.
  • • Current or former writer for global brands such as Coca-Cola, American Express, Bitcoin.com, Taco Bell, Nestle and others.


Marvin Dumont has authored more than 1,000 articles, whitepapers and case studies covering business, technology and lifestyle. As former managing editor for a Fortune 100 company, he has managed teams of writers and spearheaded large content campaigns. Marvin previously worked in private equity business development and began his career as business analyst at Honeywell and Freescale Semiconductor.


Marvin Dumont graduated from University of Texas at Austin with a master in professional accounting and undergraduate degrees in international business and government with minors in english and asian studies.

Quote from Marvin

"I enjoy educating audiences on how finance requires both the simplicity of common sense as well as modern sophistication."

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