• • Portfolio manager at Kreger Financial
  • • Expert in Investment Management, Financial Advice, Financial Planning
  • • Owner of Deep Fork LLC


At Kreger Financial, Dan Myers oversees client portfolios, investment policy, and the Kreger Financial Investment Committee. He has over 20+ years of investment research and portfolio experience.

He also owns Deep Fork LLC, a real estate investment company that specializes in residential income-producing real estate. His practical experience in this role includes finding and analyzing hundreds of properties and selecting the handful that offer the best profit potential. He has also secured commercial financing, rehabbed properties, managed contractors, selected tenants, leased, and managed the properties.


Dan earned a Bachelor's degree from Oklahoma State University and completed his M.B.A. at Oklahoma City University. 

Professional Designations

Dan is a Chartered Financial Analysist (CFA) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

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