• • 30+ years in the financial services industry, 20+ as a financial writer and editor
  • • Former FINRA securities arbitrator
  • • Former Certified Financial Planner and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst


George has a wide range of financial planning, investment, and insurance experience and can take complex topics and present them in basic, easy-to-understand terms. He works with financial institutions, financial advisors, insurance agents, newsletter publishers, book publishers and financial marketing firms.


George received his Bachelor of Business Administration from Northwood University.

Quote from George

"I have been in the financial services industry since 1986. So I’ve lived through several market and geopolitical cycles. Those experiences have taught me that there is more to creating wealth than investing … You also have to adapt to changes to income tax and estate laws, changes to your health, and changes to your personal situation. I get tremendous satisfaction when I address one of those topics and receive an email from a reader thanking me for bringing up something that mainstream media has ignored."

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