Finding that first finance job is not easy, but these five tips can boost your chances even before you graduate.Tip number 1, land an internship. Interns do not require a deep reservoir of knowledge. Many companies train new recruits with what they need to know. Internships can make up for a lack of full-time experience and are easier to get than a real job. 2, start early. You can amass four summer internships before your senior year if you start during the summer before you’re a freshman. Four may not be necessary, but why not? Many pay, so would it better to flip burgers during the summer or do something that will further your career? 3, diversify your experiences. Do internships around the industry to gain more perspective and zero in on what you really want to do. If you have internships in fixed income and equities, you can offer an eloquent answer when the interviewer asks why you want to research bonds. 4, learn to talk the talk. Majoring in finance or economics will serve you better than a degree in art history. Read the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times every day to expand your knowledge and learn the financial field’s jargon. And 5, start your CFA. Distinguish yourself from the pack by taking the Chartered Financial Analyst Level 1 exam. The CFA designation is well respected, and coming out of college having already passed the first test will make you stand out among other candidates.