The best way to handle a job interview is to be prepared. Here are four tough questions you may receive, and how best to answer them.Number 1, what is your biggest weakness? Don’t be so candid that the interviewer tosses your resume – but don’t say you have no flaws. Pick an honest weakness and explain how you’re fixing it. For example, say something like, “Being impatient when I don’t receive immediate responses. I’m working on this by realizing others are also busy; and allowing people more time to get back to me.” Number 2, what has been your biggest failure? Explain what you’ve learned and what you’ll do to mitigate future failures. You could answer with, “I lost a half-million dollar deal because I wasn’t as prepared as my competitors. So after I heard the news, I called the customer with a sweeter deal, and got some of the business back. I also made a checklist so I’m better prepared next time.” Number 3, why should we hire you? Discuss the value you bring. You could say, “I’m a hard worker with lots of experience in this industry. I brought in $50 million dollars in revenue for my last employer in a similar role. I believe I could do something similar for you. Number 4, do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team? Say you prefer a balance of both, depending on the situation. For example, “On a one-person task, I do well working alone, but consult my team for feedback when necessary. If the job’s too big for one person, I’m a team player. And I don’t mind stepping in when a team member needs a little help.”