What is the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is the department of the United States government that manages various programs related to food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development and nutrition. The USDA tries to expand economic opportunity in rural areas, make sure Americans are properly fed, and conserve natural resources. President Abraham Lincoln founded the USDA in 1862, at a time when about 50% of Americans lived on farms.

BREAKING DOWN United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

The head of the USDA is the Secretary of Agriculture. Second in charge is the Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, who oversees the department’s daily operations and budget. Seven undersecretaries oversee the divisions for rural development, food safety and other areas, with nearly 100,000 employees who serve the American people at more than 4,500 locations across the country and abroad. The USDA is made up of 29 agencies and offices, which include valuable resources like the Forest Service, the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, and the National Agricultural Library. 

The USDA’s programs help provide the following services, among others: broadband access in rural areas; disaster assistance to farmers, ranchers and rural residents; soil, water and other natural resource conservation to landowners; wildfire prevention; and agricultural research and statistics. The USDA also is responsible for school meal nutrition; nutrition education; organic food standards; food assistance for women, infants and children (WIC); and the food stamp program (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP).

The USDA is vital in helping to keep America's farmers and ranchers in business and making sure that the nation's commercial supply of meat, poultry and egg products is safe, wholesome and properly labeled. It also helps to support and ensure the health and care of animals and plants and the health of the land through sustainable management. In addition, the USDA works to improve the economy and quality of life in all of rural America.

USDA in Rural Development

One of the USDA's main tasks is in the area of rural development, especially rural housing. The USDA provides financial assistance for purchasing and refinancing rural homes through the Farmers Home Administration. It provides direct loans to very-low-income borrowers who want to purchase a rural home, guaranteed loans to moderate-income homebuyers, and loans and grants for rural home improvements and repairs.

The Farmers Home Administration provides credit and technical assistance to rural families and communities through four major programs: a housing program, utilities program, business program and community development program. The agency has about 1,900 county and district loans offices nationwide.