DEFINITION of Tuck School Of Business

The Tuck School of Business is one of America's most prestigious graduate schools and is located at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H. The Amos Tuck School of Business Administration was founded in 1900 and is considered one of the oldest graduate schools of business in the world. It was the first such institution to offer a master's degree in business administration.

BREAKING DOWN Tuck School Of Business

The Tuck School of Business consistently ranks as one of the top business schools in America and held the honor in 2006 of having the highest percentage of alumni donation of any business school in the United States, with 64% of alumni donating to the school. The Tuck Business School offers only one degree, a master of business administration (MBA), although dual degrees are offered with other institutions.

Tuck School of Business History

The Tuck School of Business was founded in 1900 by William Jewett Tucker and Edward Tuck. Tuck donated $300,000, in the form of Great Northern Railway Company of Minnesota preferred stock to found and endow the Amos Tuck School of Administration and Finance, named in memory of Tuck's father, Amos Tuck.

The Tuck School's emphasis on a broad education in general management was adopted by many other emerging business schools, and was dubbed the "Tuck Pattern." The Tuck School of Business’ 2019 class had 293 students, of which 44% were women, 23% U.S. minority and 37% international. The school has 53 full-time faculty, including 21% women and 36% international origin.

Tuck School of Business Mission

The Tuck School of Business’ mission, according to its website, is: “Wisdom encompasses the essential aptitudes of confident humility, about what one does and does not know; empathy, towards the diverse ideas and experiences of others; and judgment, about when and how to take risks for the better. Through the application of such wisdom, enlightened decisions can be made to substantially improve business performance and the world we live in.”

Tuck School of Business Programs

The Tuck School of Business offers only an MBA program. The following concentrations are available: accounting, consulting, e-commerce, economics, entrepreneurship, ethics, finance, general management, health care administration, human resources management, industrial management, international business, leadership, manufacturing and technology management, marketing, not-for-profit management, production/operations management, organizational behavior, portfolio management, public policy, real estate, supply chain management/logistics, quantitative analysis/statistics and operations research, tax, and technology.

Tuck School of Business Alumni

Notable Tuck School of Business alumni include: Christopher Sinclair, former CEO of PepsiCo, and Peter Dolan, former CEO of Bristol-Myers Squibb.