What is the Accounting Trends and Techniques (Publication)

Accounting Trends and Techniques is a prominent publication distributed annually by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to update accountants on current financial reporting practices. The AICPA is the world's largest member association representing the accounting profession, and sets ethical standards for the profession and U.S. auditing standards for private companies, nonprofit organizations, federal, state and local governments. The AICPA has been distributing Accounting Trends and Techniques publications since 1946.

BREAKING DOWN Accounting Trends and Techniques (Publication)

The Accounting Trends and Techniques publication features detailed current reporting techniques and methods. It provides illustrative presentation and disclosure examples from actual financial statements. Narratives describing the requirements imposed by new accounting rulings are also included, as are real-world examples for publicly traded companies to serve as a guide for practitioners' own difficult cases. Past editions have referenced examples from a variety of industries, including banking, communication services and healthcare, from such organizations as Coca-Cola, BB&T and Caterpillar. The publication is updated annually to reflect changing accounting standards and practices, and is available in both electronic and print formats.