• • 5 years of experience as a senior analyst and another four years as a research analyst
  • • Has a well ranked Udemy course which teaches basic investing skills for the individual investor
  • • Holds a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation


Jim began his work career as a scientist. He earned an advanced degree from Washington State University in biochemistry and molecular biology. He became interested in stocks and investing after working for a small biotechnology company. Jim has since become a self-taught investor and financial writer. Jim's self-learning led to him earning a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification in 2015. He now uses that knowledge to teach others.

Jim has been a contributing member to MotleyFool.com for over 17 years. As a senior analyst for The Motley Fool, he contributes articles and blog posts to Motley Fool Stock Advisor, Motley Fool Options, and Supernova. Frequently his take on stocks and the markets feature on the Motley Fool Money, weekly podcasts. Jim's focus is on providing knowledge for individual and family investors at an introductory to intermediate level. He provides analysis on a wide range of industries including technology, energy, retail, and the housing sector. His course on Udemy continues to receive positive reviews from its users.


Jim received his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Gonzaga University, and earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Washington State University.

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