• • 28+ years of experience in the financial industry
  • • Co-founder and executive vice president for Envestnet
  • • Former vice president and director of fixed-income funds for John Nuveen Company


James has worked in the financial industry for more than 28 years. He has worked directly with financial advisors and investors to identify goals and create financial plans to meet those goals.

He is the co-founder and executive vice president of Envestnet–a financial services company providing online platforms, along with wealth and financial reports, for financial advisors, investors, and investment firms.

James is responsible for expanding Envestnet’s platforms into new markets. To that end, Envestnet partnered with Investopedia to combine educational content and news through the Impact Investing Hub. Impact investing aims to benefit social or environmental actions while providing a financial gain. James is a contributor to the Impact Investing Hub content.

Before joining Envestnet, James worked at John Nuveen Company–now Nuveen–as vice president and director of fixed-income funds. He worked directly with financial advisors in the development of services and programs to respond to the needs of commercial and investment banks and pension funds. He also managed the day-to-day activity of five fixed-income mutual funds with a combined total of more than $1.5B in assets.

As someone who believes in using wealth to make a positive impact, James writes about how an investor's values can guide their investment decisions. His writing appears on Seeking Alpha, Investment News, and Investopedia.


James earned his Master of Arts in Government Studies at Harvard University.

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