• • Entrepreneur and financial educator with more than 17 years of experience in e-learning and technology development
  • • Founded four business which delivers educational content to the online audience
  • • Expertise in data analytics, web development, user experience, business intelligence, software as a service (SaaS), and business data analysis


Manish is an entrepreneur and financial educator with more than 17 years of experience in e-learning and technology development. He has a background in data analytics, web development, user experience, business intelligence, software as a service (SaaS), and business data analysis and is the founder of four e-learning businesses.

In 2011, Manish founded his first business, of LearnKraft Info Solutions, LLP a technology and web development firm which creates e-learning content. As part of LearnKraft, he developed Little Kulture.com, a platform providing parents with activities for children, and Finance Train.com, a portal for financial education. In 2015, Manish founded Enwrap Analytics, software as a service (SaaS) platform provider for e-commerce analytics and customer support.

Before becoming a technology entrepreneur, Manish worked as a director with GainInsights Solutions Private–Limited, creating business data analysis technologies. He worked as head of content, general manager, and finally as a consultant to Kesdee, Inc., a provider of e-learning courses in finance, insurance, banking, and other subjects.


Manish earned his Bachelor of Commerce degree at Kurukshetra University.

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