• • 25+ years of experience working in the financial, real estate, and nonprofit fields
  • • Specialties include direct response sales copy, editorial copy, case studies, white papers, landing pages, order pages, autoresponder email series, video sales letter scripts, lead generation pages, lift notes, and promotional emails
  • • Serves on the board of many nonprofit organizations


Barbara has over 25 years of experience working in the financial, real estate and nonprofit fields. During these years she held many executive positions Bankers Trust, Wilmington Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management and Merrill Lynch.

Additional background includes service on the boards of the several nonprofit organizations including the Hibiscus Children’s Society, the Astral Foundation, the McKee Botanical Garden, and the Vero Beach and Indian River Humane Societies. She has also worked with a 501(c)(3) classical performing arts organization as president.

Barbara began her freelance writing career in 2011. She freelances through her company, Barbara Research Group, and Barbara Proofreading. Topics she writes about include, but are not limited to, investments, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Her work features on sites such as Investopedia, Forbes, MindShift, Mauldin Economics, BabyBoomer Plays, and many more.

Barbara is a member of the Professional Writers' Alliance as well as many professional writers' forums on LinkedIn. She has completed eight courses with American Artists and Writers Inc. (AWAI).


Barbara earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in History with a minor in Economics from Wellesley College.

Professional Designations

Barbara holds a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) as well as Series 7 and 66 licenses.

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