• • 20+ years of experience in the financial industry working as an account manager
  • • 10 years of experience writing about technical trading, derivatives, option strategies, fundamental analysis and market events
  • • Provides financial and marketing consulting services to small business owners in and around his hometown  of Laguna Beach, California


Jeff Krohnfeldt spent 22 years in the financial industry working as an account manager, option principal and in private equity. For the last 10 years, he has applied that experience to providing first-hand information to readers on a variety of topics including technical trading, derivatives, option strategies, fundamental analysis and market events. Krohnfeldt uses his background in finance to extract the essential elements from complex topics and present them in a format that provides actionable insights. In addition to covering financial topics, he provides financial and marketing consulting services to small business owners in and around his hometown of Laguna Beach, Carolina


Jeff graduated from California State University-Long Beach in 1981.

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