• • Writing credits include The Wall Street Journal, MoneyTalksNews, The Simple Dollar, and Credit.com
  • • Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI)
  • • Financial literacy advocate


Allison Martin is an accomplished finance writer and digital content strategist who has written for publications including The Wall Street Journal, MoneyTalksNews, The Simple Dollar, and Credit.com. Her work has been featured on Fox Business, Yahoo! Finance, MSN Money, and ABC News. She enjoys writing about personal development, entrepreneurship, and personal finance.

As a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI), Alison has spent the past several years traveling the country with the Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Foundation as a Bridge to Wellbeing Facilitator. Through this work, Alison advocates for financial literacy via talks, workshops, and conferences held at colleges, universities, churches, Army bases, governmental organizations, and community centers. 
In this role, Allison has directly helped promote and grow American entrepreneurship, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations. As a Dimension Expert, Allison develops and improves the financial literacy programming the AFP Foundation uses in its educational field talks, workshops, and conferences around the U.S.

Throughout her career, Allison has cultivated a range of skills in copywriting, entrepreneurship, marketing, public speaking, and financial coaching. As a result, she offers her copywriting and consulting services to businesses, and continues to maintain a busy speaking schedule at events around the country. She’s spoken at locations including the National Couponers Convention in Miami, FL; the Fort McCoy Army Base in Fort McCoy, WI; the Bayou Soul Writer’s Conference in New Orleans, LA; and the University of South Florida in Tampa. When not speaking or writing, Allison loves traveling, and spending time with her family.


Allison attended the University of South Florida, where she earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting.

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