• • 10+ years of writing written about politics, the economy, finances, and random events on his blog, TheCenterLine.com
  • • Wrote for more than 3 years as Investment Editor for the Wall Street Sector Selector newsletter
  • • Written over 80 articles published on Investopedia.com


John became involved with the markets in 1975. At this time, he worked in the A.G Edwards booth of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). After he began blogging in 2008, he published numerous articles on a wide range of investment topics which include exchange-traded funds (ETFs), the Federal Reserve, and fixed income investing. His stock analysis covers various sectors such as technology, energy, and the Cannabis industry.

John wrote about investing in ETFs for the Wall Street Sector Selector newsletter for over three years. He continues to write for his blog and for Investopedia where he has over 80 published articles. Here, his writing ranges from the analysis of small- and large-cap stocks, alternative investments, financial technology, and company insights. On his blog, TheCenterLane.com, he posts on a wide array of topics including UFOs, politics, and the economy.

John is an alumnus of Boston College and the Illinois Institute of Technology–Chicago-Kent College of Law.


John received his Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communications and Philosophy from Boston College, and earned his Juris Doctor from Chicago-Kent College of Law at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

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