• • 8+ years of helping millennials create success with work and money
  • • Author of the book "Make Money Your Honey," published in 2013.
  • • Published work has appeared in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Seventeen and Business Insider


Amanda Abella is a life coach, financial expert and speaker. She has been helping others develop a relationship with their personal finances and guiding them on how to better manage their money. Following the release of her book "Make Money Your Honey" in 2013, she began blogging about personal finance, sharing her money tips with more than 30,000 followers. In 2016, she launched a podcast of the same name. 
Amanda also creates and develops workshops for business owners who want to use digital marketing to help boost their revenue. She has worked with a number of companies including Capital One, Intuit and Comcast Business. Her published work has appeared in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Seventeen and Business Insider. She is also a regular contributor to Money Under 30 and Credit Karma. Since 2017, Amanda now dedicates herself to influencer work with brands like Intuit, Capital One and Better Mortgage. She also coaches bloggers on how they can create their brands and monetize them through her bestselling programs, including “How to Make Your First $50K As An Influencer”


Amanda earned her bachelor's in English literature from Ave Maria University.

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