• • Started first business at the age on 8 on the Caribbean island of Montserrat
  • • Successfully produced one-on-one candid interviews with some of the world's most influential and fascinating people, including Charles Koch (the world's 5th richest man at the time of recording) and Sebastián Marroquín (the only son of Pablo Escobar)
  • • Named Caribbean Journal's Entrepreneur of the Year 2013


Warren Cassell Jr. is the Managing Principal of The Abella Group LLC. At the age of eight, he started his first business venture – a greeting card and graphic design company. After this, he embarked on a number of other ventures including an application development firm and a web hosting service provider. By the age of thirteen, he had done business with customers from several continents. Over the years Warren has been asked to deliver presentations on topics relating to entrepreneurship for organizations such as the Caribbean Telecommunications Union, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, the University of the West Indies’ Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, and the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM). He is currently a third-year student at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. where he has been pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Accountancy and a minor in Spanish and Latin American Languages, Literatures & Cultures.


Warren is pursuing his Bachelors from George Washington University in Accountancy with a minor in Spanish and Latin American Languages, Literatures and Cultures (currently enrolled as a Junior – expected graduation December 2019).

Quote from Warren

"I wake up every morning with a goal to inspire others. It’s the reason why I do what I do. I’m a teenager who believes that it is a person’s duty to live the life of their dreams and hopefully by living my life doing the things that I love — writing, investing and doing business, despite my age — I will inspire others to do what they love doing."

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