• • 15+ years of experience in financial publishing, competitive and market intelligence, corporate advocacy and financial planning
  • • Author of the novel 'The Man with the Big Red Balloon'
  • • Consultant, writer and editor in the financial research and newsletter business.


James Baldwin has 15 years of leadership experience in financial publishing, competitive and market intelligence, corporate advocacy and financial planning with a deep background in agricultural and technology economics, hedge fund and private equity fund advising, along with founding a fund in 2019. In 2016, James authored the novel "The Man with the Big Red Balloon." He has worked at Money Map Press since 2011, and at Farmlead since 2017.


James is a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, has a Master’s Degree in Economic Policy from The Johns Hopkins University, a MS in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University and a MBA in Finance from Indiana University.

Quote from James

"I believe that financial inequality is not the real problem with the United States. It is information inequality that has created a substantial divide between those "in the know" and those who are behind the curve. My work aims to lessen that gap and provide readers with true insight into how people make "real money.""

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