• • Long-time contributing author to several Lonely Planet titles.
  • • Has written many articles on culture, travel, business and finance.
  • • Her work frequently appears on in publications such as CNBC, BBC Travel, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, USA Today and the Eurail Blog


A contributing author to several Lonely Planet titles, Sarah Chandler's writing on culture, travel, and business frequently appears in publications such as CNBC, BBC Travel, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, USA Today and the Eurail Blog, where she blogs about rail transit and European travel. Sarah is also a speaker and communications consultant who frequently lectures in the U.S. and Europe, where she has served on the faculties of the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Amsterdam, and the Emerson College European Center. 


Sarah holds an honors undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and earned a Masters in Fine Arts (M.F.A.) degree in writing from the University of Texas at Austin, where she was a Michener Fellow.

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