• • CEO of Born To Sell, a covered call software site
  • • 37 years of experience trading covered calls
  • • 4 years of experience in investment banking and 10 years in venture capital


Mike has been trading covered calls for 37 years, and he's been CEO of Born To Sell since 2009. In addition to running Born To Sell, he is a venture capitalist and has invested over $100 million of LP money into high-tech startups. Previously, Mike was an investment banker, where he read over 10,000 business plans in four years, and a software engineer, where he worked at three startups, one of which was acquired and two went public on NASDAQ.


Mike earned his Bachelor of Arts in Management Science from the University of California, San Diego.

Quote from Mike

"Showing people how they can earn weekly income from covered calls on stocks they already own brings me great pleasure."

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