• • Nearly 20 years of experience in the mortgage and lending business
  • • Owner and operator of MortgageGraphics, Inc., a loan analysis tool
  • • Holds both higher education degrees and professional designations


Barry has nearly 20 years of experience in the mortgage and lending business. Nielsen's background includes work for several large mortgage lenders and financial institutions including Freddie Mac, American General, Washington Mutual, and Countrywide. With these organizations, he specialized in mortgage pricing, trading, and portfolio management. In 2005, Nielsen launched MortgageGraphics, Inc., a web-based mortgage calculator designed to encourage consumers make educated, risk-based mortgage decisions. MortgageGraphics provides informative and straightforward illustrations of all varieties of mortgages and their associated risks. This insightful information allows consumers to compare mortgage features and values in tables, graphs, and schedules.


Barry received his Bachelor of Science in Economics from Brigham Young University and earned his Master of Business Administration at George Mason University.

Professional Designations

Barry is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

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