• • Over 20 years experience writing and working in the financial services industry.
  • • The Administrator for Colorado Valley Wealth Management and Insurance Group. This is an investment advisory firm that is dedicated to helping clients from all walks of life reach their goals.
  • • A passion for helping investors and ordinary to learn how to make the best decisions possible.


Chris has been working in the financial services industry for over 20 years. This includes writing and operating an advisory firm. The insights he gained help him to offer people ideas they can use to make a difference in their lives.  He believe that this is something which is lost with the standard advice of buy stocks and mutual funds and you will be ok. Chris feels that there needs to be clarity and insights to assist everyone in determining the best approach and the right tools in reaching their goals.


Chris received his Bachelor's in Journalism from the University of Colorado.

Quote from Chris

"Education is the key for success. I believe in making many complex ideas simple so everyone can use them to reach their goals."

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