• • 30+ years of trading options with more than 20 of those years as a Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) market maker
  • • Writes about options trading on his blog, Options for Rookies, as well as for Forbes, MarketWatch, the Balance.com, StockTrader.com, and many other online financial sites
  • • Author of three books, the most recent being The Rookie's Guide to Options: The Beginner's Handbook of Trading Equity Options


Mark has decades of experience as an options trader and a market maker. He shares his experience on his blog, Options for Rookies and in many other online publications. Mark gives readers advice on buying and selling options on business and finance sites including the Balance.com, StockTrader.com, Yahoo Finance, Forbes, and many others. As an writer of numerous magazine articles and books, Mark targets beginners and includes helpful topics such as how options work and how to select and manage six different conservative options strategies. His most recent book is "The Rookie's Guide to Options: The Beginner's Handbook of Trading Equity Options." He actively trades options contracts on his account as he continues to assist readers interested in becoming option traders themselves, through seminars, mentoring, and his regular blog posts.


Mark received his Bachelor of Science degree from Brooklyn College, and earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry at Northwestern University.

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