• • 10+ years in the bookkeeping and tax preparation business
  • • Served as an adjunct professor teaching college-level accounting
  • • Holds an MBA from Morgan State University


Chizobah Morah is a business owner, accountant, and recruiter, with more than ten years of profesisonal experience. She works on tax issues with individuals, businesses in different industries, and organizations including Non profits, to make sure their books and finances in order. Chilozah offers a full range of professional services from tax preparation, payroll, reconciliations to financial analysis and budgeting. Chilozah is an occasional freelance contributor to financial outlets such as Investopedia and Forbes covering topics related to small business, finance, and investments. Ms. Morah holds an MBA degree from Morgan State University in Maryland.


Chizobah earned both her BS in accounting and MBA from Morgan State University.

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