• •  27+ years experience as a financial services professional
  • • His research on exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is cited by the Wall Street Journal
  • • Member of award-winning risk-management team for Coopers & Lybrand


For the past-20 years, Tristan Yates has worked as executive director of Yates Management, a consultancy firm which he founded. Yates Management serves leading U.S. financial institutions, mortgage-backed security providers, and defense and aerospace contractors, among others. As a consultant, Tristan melds his expertise in finance with his technical acumen to offer his clients effective management of projects, processes, and people, along with the analytics and systems that support them. Tristan’s past work informs his present endeavors. Prior to founding Yates Management, Tristan worked for UUNET/Worldcom as a network and software engineer; and before that, he served on an award-winning team at Coopers & Lybrand to help reduce risk $550 billion of risk at Ginnie Mae — Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) — in the wake of the savings and loan (S&L) crisis of the 1980s and 1990s.

Tristan writes often on index investing, options strategies, leveraged portfolio management, financial regulations, derivatives, knowledge management, open-source analytics, and other topics. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes Media, Government Technology, CIO Insight, Kiplinger, and MSN Money, among others. Tristan is the author of “Enhanced Indexing Strategies: Utilizing Futures and Options to Achieve Higher Performance,” (Wiley), and co-author of “The Sun Java Certification Study Guide,” (Mc-Graw Hill Osborne). In addition, Tristan has presented his research for organizations such as the Wharton Business School, and conferences like the Volatility Trading Summit in New York City.


Tristan received an M.B.A. degree from INSEAD — a leading international business school with campuses in France and Singapore, which is affiliated with Wharton in the U.S.

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