• • 28+ years of experience in the financial services sector
  • • Prolific writer of articles aimed at financial industry professionals
  • • Author of the sixth edition of The Fundamentals of Municipal Bonds, part of the Wiley finance series



Neil has over 28 years of experience in the financial services sector. His expertise includes merger arbitrage trading, managing hedge funds, and alternative investments. Neil also has an intimate knowledge of global markets. His experience includes work as managing director at British merchant bank, Morgan Grenfell. Neil spent over 12 years as a portfolio manager at Wyser-Pratte Management, Obelisk Asset Management, and Deutsche Asset Management.

Neil began his financial writing career in 2001. His work regularly appears on sites such as Global Markets, American Securitization Forum, Absolute Return+Alpha, and the New York Society of Securities Analysis. He writes about a wide range of financial topics including hedge funds, private equity, corporate governance, and market and industry reviews. More technical topics include exchange-traded funds, options, securitization, credit derivatives, securities lending, prime brokerage, risk management, and financial industry regulations.

Neil is the author of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) The Fundamentals of Municipal Bonds, Sixth Edition (John Wiley & Sons, December 2011). He is director of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) and a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA).


Neil earned his Bachelor of Science in Engineering and Economics from the University of Warwick.

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