• • 19+ years of experience in creating marketing content
  • •  One of the earliest people working with Investopedia content and marketing
  • • Current Director of Strategy and Operation for BlueTrain, Inc.


Shaun Carther Heyford was one of the earliest financial content contributors when Investopedia opened in 2002. She was fundamental in growing the site to become the leader in financial literacy. Heyford held the position of vice president of content and manager of social media and syndication strategies. In 2013, she accepted a position as the director of client services with BlueTrain, Inc, a digital marketing firm. The firm promoted her to director of strategy and operations in 2016.

Heyford began her career in 1999 as a marketing director for the Heritage Mall with Ivanhoe Cambridge, a real estate development and management firm. She later took a position with The Edmonton Sun as the director of marketing and promotions. By 2008, Heyford was serving as a senior project manager with Urban Creative Company, a marketing content producer where she remained until 2011.

Heyford's writing, during her time with Investopedia, covers a wide array of topics. She completed a series of articles about the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exams. Through these articles, Heyford answers questions such as describing CFA exam settings and the exemptions from exams, the qualification to become a CFA, and the differences between the series of CFA designations. Her Investopedia work appears in syndication to Yahoo, as referenced work in books, and on many financial advising websites. Hayford continues to write for the Bluetrain blog.


Shaun Carther Heyford received a Bachelor Communications (B.Comm) from the University of Alberta in 1997. She also has certification in web analytics.

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